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This edition of Much Ado About Nothing, one of Shakespeare's most delightful and theatrically successful comedies, offers, along with a freshly edited text, an exceptionally helpful and critically aware Introduction and commentary. Paying particular attention in his Introduction to analysis of the play's minor characters, Sheldon P. Zitner discusses Shakespeare's social transformation of his source material, rethinking the attitudes to gender relations that underlie the comedy and determine its ruefully optimistic view of marriage. Interpretations are advanced less because they are arguable than because they are actable. Allowing for the play's openness to re-interpretation by successive generations of readers and performers, the editor provides a socially analytic stage history. Full notes and commentary continue previous editors' work of clarifying textual and performance problems of interest to both readers and actors.

William Shakespeare - The Oxford Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing in DOC, DJV, MOBI

When you consider what your boss is thinking or whether your spouse is happy, you are admitting them into the "mind club." It s easy to assume other humans can think and feel, but what about a cow, a computer, a corporation?Over the last three years, sexual assault on college campuses has been a hot topic as people are wondering aloud and often about it, especially when it involves star football players.Concise, convenient, authoritative, and affordable,The Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotationsallows readers to keep a travelling data base of entertainment and information right in their own pockets.You lift your head from this book and it s as if a third eye has been opened.For example, noun modifiers like possessives and definite articles yield insights into a speaker's point of view or subtly aid in defining the fictional world of the plays.It is also the only tragedy to feature a main character, Iago, who truly seems evil, betraying and deceiving those that trust him purely for spite and with no political goal.In Sex with Shakespeare, she tells the story of how the Bard's plays eventually helped her fathom human relationships and her own sexuality-and find a happy ending of her own.On the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, her passionate, erudite memoir offers a fresh, unusual take on this cultural icon and his work.The Mind Club explains why we love some animals and eat others, why people debate the existence of God so intensely, how good people can be so cruel, and why robots make such poor lovers.There is also a practical information section and comprehensive accommodation listings.A new unique Roald Dahl Dictionary from Oxford.Jill Martin and fashion stylist Dana Ravich have teamed up to create a fun and practical 12-step program that promises to help even the most seemingly hopeless cases.Among those profiled are the prolific bohemian Robert Greene, the brilliant satirist Thomas Nashe, the learned sailor and doctor Thomas Lodge, the outrageous and supremely poetic Christopher Marlowe, the whimsical and humane Thomas Dekker, the encyclopedic Michael Drayton, and the earnest historian Samuel Daniel.Essential reference A reference tool for students, scholars, translators and business professionals., This English-Hebrew dictionary provides a description of the Hebrew language as it is encountered and used today, covering formal and poetic Hebrew as well as current idioms and phrases, slang and colloquialisms.The ultimate treat for book (and cake) lovers!