Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Church-Wide Curriculum Campaign Kit : Seven Questions to Ask Before---And After---You Marry by Leslie Parrott download DOC, TXT
9780310875819 0310875811 Start today building a marriage that lasts a lifetime Deal with problems before they emerge Understand each other s love styles Develop communication skills that allow you to not merely talk, but connect Turn your conflicts into opportunities to strengthen your relationship Understand and enjoy the differences between the sexes Uncover the single habit that can make or break every marriage Discover the importance of growing together spiritually Created by relationship experts Les and Leslie Parrott, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts has become the gold standard for helping engaged and newlywed couples build a solid foundation for lifelong love. This comprehensive marriage program is designed specifically for today s couples by a couple. And now, in this second edition, the Parrotts award-winning approach has been updated and expanded to incorporate ten more years of feedback, research, and professional experience, all-new video sessions, and new help for those entering their second marriage. Tried and proven by counselors, churches, and individual couples worldwide, this complete, award-winning marriage prep program helps you acquire the knowledge and skills for spending a lifetime together. Make your marriage everything it is meant to be. Save your marriage before (and after) it starts."
9780310875819 0310875811 Start today building a marriage that lasts a lifetime Deal with problems before they emerge Understand each other s love styles Develop communication skills that allow you to not merely talk, but connect Turn your conflicts into opportunities to strengthen your relationship Understand and enjoy the differences between the sexes Uncover the single habit that can make or break every marriage Discover the importance of growing together spiritually Created by relationship experts Les and Leslie Parrott, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts has become the gold standard for helping engaged and newlywed couples build a solid foundation for lifelong love. This comprehensive marriage program is designed specifically for today s couples by a couple. And now, in this second edition, the Parrotts award-winning approach has been updated and expanded to incorporate ten more years of feedback, research, and professional experience, all-new video sessions, and new help for those entering their second marriage. Tried and proven by counselors, churches, and individual couples worldwide, this complete, award-winning marriage prep program helps you acquire the knowledge and skills for spending a lifetime together. Make your marriage everything it is meant to be. Save your marriage before (and after) it starts."