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Visual Quickpro Guides: PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites EPUB, DOC


It hasn't taken Web developers long to discover that when it comes to creating dynamic, database-driven Web sites, MySQL and PHP provide a winning open source combination. Add this book to the mix, and there's no limit to the powerful, interactive Web sites that users can create. With step-by-step instructions, complete scripts, and expert tips to guide readers, veteran author and database designer Larry Ullmangets right down to business: After grounding readers with separate discussions of first the scripting language (PHP) and then the database program (MySQL), he goes on to cover security, sessions and cookies, and using additional Web tools, with several sections devoted to creating sample applications. This guide is indispensable for Web designers who want to replace their static sites with something more dynamic. The companion Web site includes source code, support forums, and extra tutorials. In addition to being updated for the most recent releases of MySQL and PHP, this new edition offers 25% new material, including updated examples for improved clarity and comprehension and new installation instructions for PHP, MySQL, and other related technologies., The follow-up to the bestselling task-based guide to MySQL and PHP, at a price readers will appreciate.

Visual Quickpro Guides: PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites by Larry Ullman download PDF, FB2

Prices create the appropriate incentives for producers and consumers by internalizing the externality of future damages created by economic activities that produce emissions.Topic Level Quizzes: Short, 15-minute quizzes are available throughout the review and test your immediate understanding of the topics just covered.Some basic understanding of SPA concepts will be helpful but not essential.What You Will Learn* Organize your development environment using the command line with NPM, Bower, and Grunt.* Choose an accurate design pattern for your app* Understand modular JavaScript programming and Node.js* interact with a REST API using JavaScript and AJAX with practical examples* Build a single page application using the MEAN stack* Connect your app across popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn* Test your app, both on the server side and in views* Prepare your app for the real world and deploy it to HerokuIn DetailSingle-page web applications-or SPAs, as they are commonly referred to-are quickly becoming the de facto standard for web app development.The Anschluss changed their world beyond recognition.The collection is relevant to scholars of law, sociology, economics and political science."There is a sure-handed display of craftsmanship in these eleven stories.That honest and brave and beautiful and wise and funny.Utilizing 150 international experts, World Mints, and Central Banks, this impressive reference provides an exhaustive catalog to spectacular new-issue coinage of the Twenty-First Century.